ISTA is the International Seed Testing Association. The OSU Seed Lab is an ISTA Accredited Member Lab authorized to issue ISTA Certificates. Learn more about ISTA by visiting their website.
Why is an ISTA certificate necessary?
Many seed-importing countries require an international seed test certificate issued by a laboratory that is accredited by the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA). Some countries, such as Australia, have strict requirements. An ISTA certificate from the originating country makes it possible to classify contaminants and to verify acceptability by the importer before the seed is shipped and may speed the process through customs and quarantine.
An international test certificate (orange or blue) by an accredited laboratory, in origin and prior to shipping, is invaluable in preventing potential delays and economic problems for the shipper and/or the importer.
If my seed is already certified, can the importer still require an ISTA certificate?
The importing customer may or may not require an ISTA certificate on certified seed lots. The exporter needs to check with the importer.
Does ISTA have seed quality standards like seed certification programs?
No. Programs like Seed Certification have seed quality standards. In contrast, ISTA does not have seed quality standards as to minimum purity or germination requirements. What purity or germination levels are needed depends on your customers' needs. What ISTA does is make sure the test report is reliable and performed by a laboratory that has proven to be competent and authorized to perform such services.
Click here to learn about the two TYPES OF ISTA CERTIFICATES