What are Orange Certificates?

Orange Certificates (OIC) are test reports that, through tightly controlled sampling, represent entire lots of seed. They are often useful for customs officials in import/export.

What is the process for getting an Orange Certificate?

The process for ISTA Orange Certificates is tightly controlled.

  • **Please Note** If the seed lot is not in the State of Oregon, Washington or Idaho, please check with the Seed Lab for authorized sampler availability.


  • The lot must meet the following requirements: lot is correct size, in final containers, in final condition (i.e. treatment or coating is applied), sealed (e.g. single line of stitching), labeled with unique lot number, and ready for sampling. If at all possible, the lot should be set down before the request is sent to the Lab since samplers can show up very quickly. It is the customer's responsibility to communicate with the warehouse to make sure the lot is ready to sample.
  • Once the lot is ready, the customer requests the OIC by creating an ISTA Sample Certificate using Online Services.  New customers will need to create an account for Online Services see these instructions for detailed steps.
  • The Lab reviews the request. Lot size, species, and requested tests must comply with the ISTA Rules and the Lab's own accreditation.
  • The customer requests sampling. The OSU Seed Lab has authorized Department of Ag sampler in the states of Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Customers should follow their state's Department of Ag protocols for requesting ISTA sampling. If the company has an in-house ISTA Authorized sampler, they will organize sampling with that sampler.
  • When the sampler arrives at the warehouse, the lot needs to be already set down, accessible, and ready for sampling. If not, the sampler will leave and may charge a show-up fee.
  • The ISTA  authorized sampler verifies that the lot information is correct and that the lot complies with ISTA rules and sampling guidelines. The seed is then sampled.
  • Custody of the sample must be under control of the Lab (via the ISTA authorized sampler) until the sample is received at the Lab.
  • The Lab tests the seed using the ISTA Rules.
  • The Lab issues the Orange Certificate. Certificates are mailed unless a customer requests to pick them up in person. Certificates may only be given to the person listed on the certificate or an authorized company representative. You may be asked to provide identification.

Special points of consideration

  • Only species in the ISTA rules can be tested. This may be checked by contacting the lab, or checking Chapter 2 of the ISTA Rules. This chapter is freely available on the ISTA website. Maximum lot sizes can also be checked using Chapter 2 or the ISTA Sampling Calculator.
  • Only tests for which the Lab is accredited, or tests not in the ISTA Rules (must be accompanied by at least one test that is in the rules), can be reported on an ISTA certificate.
  • If you want the following information on your certificate, you have to request it:
    • Common names (scientific names are always provided)
    • Crops and weeds separated in the purity or OSD
    • Percentages for crops and weeds (a seed count is provided for the OSD)
  • If for some reason the lot cannot meet ISTA sampling requirements, it may be possible to issue a Blue Certificate instead.
  • Who is listed as a client seed company on the ISTA certificate?
    • Whoever requests the ISTA certificate will be billed, however, the "Applicant" listed on the certificate will be typed exactly as requested. There is also the option to list a different applicant name than the bill-to customer. Please determine how this will best meet your needs, and enter this clearly on the Online Services request form. The applicant name may be left off the Orange Certificate.