Non-Certified and ISTA Blue samples may be shipped or delivered by the custmer

What is the best way to ship it safely?

Pack the samples into a sturdy box and use packing material to keep them from shifting around. Put order forms or other identification and testing information in the box. Tape the box securely and send it to us. We recommend adding tracking to your shipment so that you know when it has arrived at the Lab. UPS and FedEx deliver to the Lab every business day directly. USPS delivers every business day through the University Shipping and Mailing Department and then delivered to the Lab. Send them to our address:

OSU Seed Lab, 3291 SW Campus Way, Corvallis, OR 97331

Can I drop it off at the Lab?

We can accept non certified, ISTA Blue and commercial samples from our customers but Certified and/or ISTA Orange samples must be delivered by our samplers or an authorized representative from OSCS or ODA. Our hours are 8am to 4:30pm (closed for lunch 12pm-1pm), Monday through Friday. If you need to come during lunch (12pm-1pm), please call ahead to ensure that someone will be here to meet you. We also have an after-hours sample drop by the Lab front door. It does not accept boxes, so please make sure that individual samples are each completely labeled. Click here for detailed directions.

*There are two Seed Lab Parking spaces designated for visitors and sample drop-off in the parking lot across the street from the Lab.

While you are dropping off samples, we highly recommend scheduling a tour of our Lab! Schedule a tour by emailing us!

How do I know the Lab has received my sample?

We do recommend that if you ship your sample that you add tracking. You may also log in to the Seed Services Website and search for the test number by searching for the lot number you provided on your testing request form or sample certificate.