The goal of the OSU Seed Lab is to provide accurate, timely and cost effective seed testing services for NON-Certified, Certified, commercial ISTA seed samples. We value our customers and strive to keep costs as low as possible while maintaining our cutting edge high quality services. Fees reflect the amount of work needed for each test. All prices are in US dollars. Whenever possible, the lab service code (for example, "cw") is provided next to the name of the service, as it appears on an invoice.

By submitting samples to the OSU Seed Lab, the customer agrees to the charges and service fees for the testing requested. Invoices are issued on the 10th of each month for testing ordered in the previous month, and full payment is expected within 30 days of receipt of the invoice. Cancelations or altering tests requests, must be received by phone or email prior to test completion. In some cases it will not be possible to cancel testing once it has started. Cancelations are subject to a prorated testing charge and/or a cancelation fee. Additional hourly charges may apply for samples that require unique preparation or are highly contaminated. You will be notified before we continue with testing if more than an hour of additional charges is expected.

Prices are effective - 2024 Crop Year (for Internal OSU and External Customers) (Printable PDF)

Common AOSA Tests and Services

For additional tests and services not listed in this table, please see Other Tests and Services or give us a call.
Species Purity and Noxious (p) 1 Germination (g) 1, 2 Tetrazolium (tz) 1 Crop & Weed (cw)
or UGS (ugs) 3
Bentgrass (Agrostis spp.) $138 $66 $96 CW $120, UGS $106
Bluegrass (Poa spp.) $105 $66 $96 CW $120, UGS $106
Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) $94 $66 $97 CW $106, UGS $106
Fine fescue (Festuca spp.) $94 $66 $96 CW $106, UGS $106
Orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) $94 $66 $96 CW $106, UGS $106
Annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) $68 $75 $97 CW $106, UGS $106
Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) $97 $75 $97 CW $106, UGS $106
Mixture (per each kind/species in the mix) $88 $66-75 $96 Call for pricing
Cereal grains (Wheat, Barley, Oat, etc) $57 $52 $96 CW $106, UGS $106
Legumes (Alfalfa, Clover, Bean, etc) $57 $52 $96 CW $106, UGS $106
Brassicas (Cabbage, Mustard, Turnip, etc) $105 $39 $96 CW $106, UGS $106
Other garden vegetables (Pepper, Carrot, Onion, etc) $40 $39 $96 CW $106, UGS $106
Beet, Swiss chard, New Zealand spinach 1  $57 $77 $96 CW $106, UGS $106
Flowers Call for pricing $77 $96 Call for pricing
Natives Call for pricing $77 $99 Call for pricing
Trees and Shrubs $40 $77 $96 Call for pricing
Auxiliary AOSA Exams Price
All-States & Federal Noxious Weed Seeds (n) - does not include Hawaii noxious, Striga spp., Orobanche spp. or UGS $88
Oregon Sod Quality exam (sq) - not available for all samples. Please contact us for more info.
Test may be stopped early if a disqualifying contaminant is found. The fee is prorated based on work completed, with a minimum charge of $72.
$80 - $300
EC Testing - Prices are similar to AOSA testing with some variation based on species and the amount of seed examined per EC testing rules.  Call for pricing
Canada Testing - Unless otherwise specified by the customer, a request for Canada testing will include a Canadian Purity (can/p) and/or a Canadian Crop & Weed exam (can/cw), based on the submitted species and the requirements listed in the Canadian Methods & Procedures for Testing Seeds.
Canada testing does not include an AOSA germination test, which must be ordered separately. In many cases, existing AOSA Crop & Weed or OR Sod Quality results may be converted or partially converted to Canadian testing standards. Please contact us for more info.
Call for pricing
Soil exam (s) - percentage of soil particles found $88
Friction Separation exam to search for Dodder (fs/ex) - required for Certified Alfalfa and Red clover, 1lb min. submitted sample $33
Seed Weight (wt) - includes 1000 seed weight and number of seeds per pound $40
Bulk crop and weed exam on cereal grains (bk) -
 required for Certified cereals, 500g exam
25g crop and weed exam on Kentucky bluegrass (25cw) $300
5g crop and weed exam on Bentgrass (5cw) $240
50g crop and weed exam on Orchardgrass and Fine fescue (50cw) $198
   Other non-typical amounts for crop and weed exams - varies based on search amount and species Call for pricing
Administrative Services and Notes Price
Rush - Purity results in 24-48 hours. Some testing cannot be rushed. Please call for current turn-around times and availability. $165
"Super" Rush - Some testing cannot be rushed. Please call for current turn-around times and availability. $248
Coated - Encrusted - Pelleted Seed for puity testing $55
Conversion of a Crop & Weed report to an UGS or Sod quality report $57
Conversion of a report from one testing rule to another, when no additional testing is required $53
Conversion of a report from one testing rule to another, when additional testing is required Call for pricing
EC supplemental report for Certification $22
Signed Original copy of an OSU Report of Analysis $30
Revision of a report - changes made and a new report issued at a customer's request or to correct a customer error $22
Cancellation of testing - based on work completed prior to cancellation request $88 / Hr (Min. $22)
Hourly charge - applies to especially contaminated or extraordinary samples; also used for custom work such as sample prep or bulk searches $88/ Hr

Samples requiring extra steps and those with high levels of impurities (other crops, weeds, multiple florets, inert materials) requiring more than 1 hour analyst time will be charged a prorated hourly charge based on extra time required. Additional sprout counts for Beets, Swiss chard, and New Zealand spinach will incur hourly charges. Germ and TZ tests on Peach samples will incur hourly prep charges.

2 The Germination test will include a Fluorescence test on Ryegrass and an Ammonia test on Fine fescues.

3 Crop & Weed and Undesirable Grass Seed exam price will be further discounted if ordered at the same time as a purity test.

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ISTA Tests and Services

Please review our ISTA Basic Information page and contact the OSU Seed Lab before submitting samples for ISTA testing.
Species Purity (ista/p) 1 Germination (ista/g) Tetrazolium (ista/tz) Complete OSD (comp/osd)
Bentgrass (Agrostis spp.) $77 $66 $192 $120
Bluegrass (Poa spp.) $65 $66 $192 $120
Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) $65 $66 $192 $106
Fine fescue (Festuca spp.) $65 $66 $192 $106
Orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) $94 $66 $192 $106
Annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) $63 $75 $192 $106
Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) $63 $75 $192 $106
Cereal grains (Wheat, Barley, Oat, etc) $63 $52 $192 $106
Legumes (Alfalfa, Clover, Bean, etc) $63 $52 $192 $106
Brassicas (Cabbage, Mustard, Turnip, etc) $65 $52 $192 $106
Other garden vegetables (Pepper, Carrot, Onion, etc) $63 $52 $192 $106
Beet, Swiss chard, New Zealand spinach $63 $77 $192 $106
Natives $88 / Hr $77 Call for pricing $106
Trees and Shrubs $63 $77 Call for pricing $106
Auxiliary ISTA Exams Price
Moisture content (m) $58
Complete Australia OSD exam (au) - includes complete OSD, soil content, ergot, sclerotia, and rodent dropping exam $173
Complete New Zealand OSD exam (nz) - includes complete OSD, soil content, and nematode gall exam $173
Soil content (ista/s), Ergot (erg), rodent dropping and/or Sclerotia (scl) exam $88 ($66 if ordered with an OSD)
Seed Weight (wt) - includes 1000 seed weight and number of seeds per pound $40
Limited Other Seed Determination exam (limit/osd) - customer determines the specific contaminant species to search for Varies based on request
Reduced Other Seed Determination exam (red/osd) - customer determines the amount of seed (grams) examined Varies based on request
Other Exams or Testing - may or may not be available to list on an ISTA Certificate. Please call for info. Varies based on request
Administrative Services and Notes Price
ISTA Sampling - Fee is assessed by the agency performing the sampling, please reach out to them directly for pricing information. Contact the OSU Seed Lab for info on ISTA sampling.
Rush - Preliminary purity results typically in 24-48 hours. Does not include rush sampling. Please call for current turn-around times and availability.  $165
"Super" Rush - Does not include rush sampling. Please call for current turn-around times and availability. $248
Original ISTA Certificate (Blue or Orange) Included in the ISTA testing fee
Duplicate or Provisional ISTA Certificate (Blue or Orange) $22
Revision of ISTA Certificate (Blue or Orange) $30
Cancellation of tests - based on work completed prior to cancellation request $88 / Hr (Min. $22)

Samples requiring extra steps and those with high levels of impurities (other crops, weeds, multiple florets, inert materials) requiring more than 1 hour analyst time will be charged a prorated hourly charge based on extra time required. Additional sprout counts for Beets, Swiss chard, and New Zealand spinach will incur hourly charges.

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Other Tests and Services

Purity And Identification

Service Price
Broomrape (Orobanche minor) (orob) search on Red clover and other species; dry method $138
Mill check (mill/ck) - simple purity test not for labeling purposes $88 / Hr (Min. $44)
Soil seed-bank (soilbank) - search for seeds in soil, compost, etc. $231
25g Poa annua and Poa trivialis search on Kentucky bluegrass (poa) $300
Pest & Disease (p/d) - dry seed inspection $88
Noxious weed search on animal feed pellets or bird seed (n) $88 / Hr (Min. $44)
Search for foreign materials $88 / Hr (Min. $44)
Identification of unknown seed (id) $88 / Hr (Min. $44)
Digital image by email of requested contaminants (image) $88 / Hr (Min. $44)

Viability and Vigor

Service Price
Fluorescence test on Ryegrass contaminants found in purity tests (fl) -  fee varies by number of seeds grown $44 - $88
Grow-out of fluorescent Ryegrass seedlings (grow) - up to 40 fluorescent seedlings, about 10% test fluorescence $308
     Grow-out of Ryegrass - additional fluorescent seedlings $88 / Hr
Grow-out of contaminant crop & weed seeds found in tests - varies by number/type of seeds $44 - $400
Cold test (cold) $92
Accelerated Aging test (aat) $92
Conductivity test (cond) $92

Specialty and Pathology

Service Price
NMR Tests
     NMR Protein analysis (nmr/p) $23
     NMR Oil analysis (nmr/o) $23
     NMR Moisture analysis (nmr/m) $23
Moisture content (m) - oven method $58
Endophyte (100end) - immunoblot assay on 100 seeds $180
Clearfield® trait bioassay (clear) $88
AXigen™ trait bioassay (axigen) $88
Blackleg test (blackleg) - detects the presence of Phoma lingam (Leptoshaeria maculans) $141
Black Rot test (blackrot) - detects the presence of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris $141
Other pathogen tests - fee based on the number of samples submitted and the number of different pathogens being detected Call for an estimate
Potato virus testing (pvy) - bulk leaves may be tested for up to 5 leaves per sample $3.50 / virus / sample
Potato strain type testing $95 first well/ $15 each additional well
Potato tuber testing $95 first well/ $15 each additional well


Service Price
Italian growout (it/grow) - determine if Ryegrass is Italian ryegrass $308
Varietal Fluorescence Level (VFL) in Perennial ryegrass - three lots $1450
Varietal Fluorescence Level (VFL) in Annual ryegrass - three lots $1468
     VFL, additional charge for varieties fluorescing over 10% $88 / Hr
     VFL, each additional lot $198
Cereal grow-out to distinguish winter from spring varieties $308
Varietal identification tests - Phenol, NaOH, etc for wheat, barley, oat, ryegrass, bluegrass $77
Ploidy by cytometry for Ryegrass (ploidy) $174
Ploidy by cytometry for Glyceria sp. (gly/ploidy) $88 - $174


Service - For ISTA testing information, please contact us. Price
Purity (p) - includes an All States and Federal Noxious Weed exam $94
Germination (g) $66
Tetrazolium (tz) $96
Gender (gend) Call for info

Books and Seed Collections

Item Price
Common Oregon Crop and Weed Seeds - full-color with coil binding $TBD
Reprint of USDA Handbook 30 - paperback Call for info
Reprint of plates from USDA Handbook 30 - coil binding Call for info
Reprint of USDA Handbook 219 - paperback Call for info
Seed herbarium - 100 most common crop & weed species   $120


Research, Customized Testing and Projects (INternal and external customers)

Item Price
Level 1 Research, Customized Testing and/or projects plus supplies if applicable $88
Level 2 Research, Customized Testing and/or projects plus supplies if applicable $122

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