Can you email the test results?

Unfortunately, we cannot email test results but you can access them through our OSU Seed Services website, see below. If your company needs to sign up for an account to access OSU Seed Services website, there will be a shared login, click here for more information. We can email you a notification that a new test report is available for you. That service is called ReportWater, click here for more information about how to sign up for those notifications. 

How do I view my test results online?

Customers can view, print and download reports through Our OSU Seed Services Website with a secure customer login. This allows you access to test information and results as soon as they are available. The reports are in the common PDF format.

How can I check on my test results that are in process?

Customers can view preliminary results for in-proceess tests such as the current germination percentage before the final duration of the test is complete. This can also be a helpful way to check to make sure the Lab has processed your added test request. You may need to know the test number by searching for the lot number. You can also track the progress your sample has made through the purity prcoess. 

Who can see my test results?

Access to sample information is protected and requires prior approval from the owner of the sample, Only people or companies listed on the sample certificate or added as CCs can see your test results.