Conversions can save time and money.
Crop and weed exams can be converted to sod quality (SQ), UGS, or Canada certificates in most cases. For example, crop and weed exam on Tall fescue can be converted to SQ, UGS, or Canada certificate with no additional testing required.
SQ can be converted to UGS and crop and weed certificates with no additional testing.
AOSA/EC to AOSA: Paperwork only
- Ryegrass
- Tall fescue
- Rough bluegrass
- Fine fescue (all)
- Orchardgrass
- Bentgrass
AOSA to AOSA/EC: Paperwork only
- Tall fescue
- Kentucky bluegrass
- Orchardgrass
- Red and Chewings fescue (Sheep and Hard fescue require additional testing)
- Ryegrass can be converted from AOSA to AOSA/EC with additional test of 10 g.
- Kentucky bluegrass can be converted from AOSA/EC to AOSA with additional test of 5 g.
- Rough bluegrass can be converted from AOSA to AOSA/EC with additional test of 0.5 g.
- Sheep and Hard fescue can be converted from AOSA to AOSA/EC with an additional test of 5 g.
- Bentgrass can be converted from AOSA to AOSA/EC with an additional test of 2.5 g.