Focus: This approach responds to individual needs, with content custom-designed based on the interest of the individual.
Who: Prospective clients might be local, national or international, and from a variety of backgrounds, including seed grower, cleaner, dealer, seed analyst, student, and any interested individual in the area of seed science and technology. Depending on the area of interest, we may be able to offer training in Spanish or other languages.
How it works: The client comes to the laboratory, a trainer (or trainers) is assigned, the program is implemented in a hands-on manner, proficiency is measured and a certificate of successful completion is provided. The duration is variable from days to months depending on the need and the program. Examples of areas for training:
For those that are studying for national seed analyst or seed technician certification exams, our workshops may also meet your needs.
Fees are determined on a case-by-case basis and cover only actual training expenses.