Focus: Responding to the growing interest, Oregon State University is offering a number of courses in the agricultural sciences.
Who: Clients can be any person interested in seeds, anywhere in the world. The courses can be taken for college credit or for certificate of completion.
Seed Science and Technology CSS 420/520 (3 credit, web course to be offered in winter and spring term each year). Course Objectives: to provide basic understanding of:
Various morphological and physiological changes occurring in seed during: a) formation and development, b) germination and maturation, c) dormancy, and d) deterioration.
Seed quality, including evaluation of seed viability, vigor, genetic and physical purity, and the relationship between laboratory tests and field performance.
Seed processing techniques including drying, storability, seed moisture relations, seed certification systems, and seed marketing.
Seed Quality Management
To be offered on a need-opportunity basis