Mistakes on sample certificates can slow the testing and tagging process considerably, especially if a sampler has to be sent out to verify the information.
Protect the samples during transport. As in previous years, the lab will not accept any sample bags that arrive leaking. Such bags may contaminate other samples in transport; therefore, it is suggested to send each sample inside a plastic bag. Due to their small seed size, bentgrass, bluegrass and white clover can leak out easily; therefore, they always need to be in plastic bags. Please fold over or twist bag tops; do not staple, tape or rubber band them.
Handwriting Please print legibly; do not use cursive. Illegible handwriting accounts for more errors in reporting than any other factor.
Correcting mistakes - If an error was made, do not write over it. It needs to be crossed out and the corrected letter/number printed above it. The sampler will need to initial the change if it affects tagging.
Numbers - (Lot, field, etc.) should be written clearly. Please write zeros and sevens with slashes through them, European style. Write the letter "S" distinctly from the number "5"; the letter "L" distinctly from the number "1"; the letters "OG" distinctly from the numbers "06", etc.
Crop/Species - Use the specific crop type, such as perennial ryegrass and tall fescue. In case the variety name is wrong or missing, the correct crop information will be helpful to Seed Services in processing your sample.
Sacks & Pounds - There should only be one set of container types. If 2 sets of sacks and pounds are provided, we can only put one set in the database and can't add them up.
Field Numbers - Need to be written exactly as they are required to appear on the report. Put dashes in correct spots and include any leading zeros. Please print letters the way they need to be entered (capitalized, etc.).
Warehouse, Grower, CC names - The entire name needs to be on the sampling bag. Many places have similar names and putting an abbreviation or one word isn't enough. When names have changed, please use the newest name on the bag and, if possible, print the address.
Tests requested - Tests ordered need to be readable and make sense. SQ for Sod Quality, P&D for pest and disease are OK, but writing just a "p" or "d" doesn't work. OECD is not a test. If the contractor requires OECD, the warehouse will need to call them and find out what kind of testing is needed. For lots to be tagged OECD that are being shipped to Europe, be sure to choose AOSA/EC tests.
AOSA/EC Basic and Pre-Basic - If an AOSA/EC purity is ordered on Basic or Pre-Basic (foundation or registered) lots, they are required to have a crop & weed exam.
Sod Quality - Oregon Sod Quality cannot be ordered on experimental varieties or interagency samples. The sample needs to be eligible in the Oregon Certification program to be eligible for SQ.
Pre-variety Germplasm - Enter the species on the species line and the PVG number on the variety line.
Review the Certificate - A quick read through before sending samples is always better than trying to correct errors later.